
Spiders commonly found in Québec homes include house spiders, wolf spiders, cellar spiders, fishing spiders and much more. They are usually found in corners of rooms, closets, boxes, dark crevices, basements, garages, and gardens.

The body of a spider consists of a cephalothorax (fused head and thorax) and abdomen and four pairs of walking legs. It also has organs for producing silk, which is used for making nest, webs to catch prey, or cocoons for its eggs.

Spiders have eight eyes. With so many eyes, it is surprising that most spiders are near-sighted. Spiders prey on insects many of them pests.

Most are nocturnal, shy, and avoid confrontation by running away. They will only bite if they feel threatened, for example being squeezed or held. Most are nocturnal, shy, and avoid confrontation by running away. They will only bite if they feel threatened, for example being squeezed or held.